Here to help

Financial Planning

We assemble the pieces of your financial puzzle so you can accomplish your goals and create your ideal lifestyle.

Financial planning is more than just budgeting. From employer payroll plans and personal retirement funds to educational or health savings accounts and responsible investments, we analyze, strategize, and develop a financial plan to reach your goals. No matter where you’re starting, we’re happy to meet you where you’re at.

Together, we’ll create a goals-based financial plan and update it annually. We create customized strategies and offer personalized advice to help you grow with business planning, investments, retirement planning, and everything else the market can throw at you.

Financial planning is key to understanding where you’re at, where you want to be, and how to get there. If you’ve got big dreams for yourself or your business, Baldridge Financial is ready to help you achieve them.

Business planning

How it works

Our process

Step 1
Apply to be a client

Complete the form below and our office will reach out to ensure we are a good fit.

Step 2
Define your goals

If we move forward, our team will develop a personalized plan to achieve your biggest goals.

Step 3
Shape your financial future

Delegate the execution of your tax and financial plan to a partner trusted by over 1,000 business owners.


Set up a consultation.